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CHAPTER NEWS - April 2006:
Featured monthly as part of our eNewsletter:

Canada | Pacific Northwest | SouthEast | SouthWest | WestCoast

March was a fantastic month for Canadian Shiloh owners with the first show of the season – the Toronto Sportsmen Show!

The Sportsmen show saw entries of almost 130 dogs, with the Shilohs being one of the largest components with almost 25 in attendance!

The show was highlighted with the ISSDC-Canada’s second Shiloh Specialty (held Sunday March 19th) and featured award plaques (prepared by Cher Bender) donated by many of the Canadian Breeders.

This year, the “out of towners” in attendance was quite high! With many joining the ISSDC-Canada gang for the first time – attendees came in from as far away as Halifax, Michigan, Ohio, Massachusetts, and Virginia!

In addition to the show, the ISSDC-Canada had an information booth available from the Wednesday straight thru to the Sunday, showing off these wonderful dogs while highlighting the ISSDC, and the Canadian breeders to thousands of visitors. The booth was staffed by volunteers Ken & Barb of Shamrock Shilohs, and myself (along with lots of help on the weekend from folks like Raymond & Jayne). The booth also featured a stunning banner produced by Ken, and a great video presentation of shilohs living or bred in Canada.

The ISSDC-Canada was also well represented at the All About Pets Show in late March. With Caroline and myself of Bold Canine manning the booth for three days (and special thanks to Ken & Barb of Shamrock for their help on the Saturday) we were again able to provide the public with a wealth of information about the breed, the ISSDC, and Canadian breeders. The Pet Network in Canada was filming and a program showcasing the show should be on their network soon. The network did a bit of filming around us when there were some large crowds about – hopefully we won’t end up on the editing room floor.

The show season ramps into high gear in Ontario now with the RBPCO featuring a herding instinct trial on May 7th, followed by the RBCSWO new show in Tillsonbugh on May 13th/14th (then Caledonia in June, Woodstock and the 2005 Year End Awards in July, Petrolia in September, and finally Brampton in October). Visit the RBCSWO website for more details, or contact myself or one of the Canadian folks.

On a side note, special wishes go out to Diane Beaumont (who’s Torch took a Best in Show at the Sportsmen event) who is currently recovering from a medical procedure. Hurry back Diane!

ISSDC Canada

Pacific Northwest:
We are currently working on our membership application and forming our egroup. Since our territory covers such a vast area, we are looking into virtual options to bring us closer together.

What a great month we've had! And we're just getting started!

We set up a booth at the Super Pet Expo in Chantilly and were literally swamped with people stopping to see the beautiful Shilohs. Folks couldn't even walk past because the aisle was packed with people who wanted to stop and see the dogs.

We weren't too sure we'd get many people at the show at first because on Friday there wasn't that many people yet. Still, the people that were there stopped to ask about the beautiful dogs they saw at our booth.

By Saturday the place was packed. We took turns manning the booth and the straw pull so we could all go out and shop a bit. But even while we were out strolling the expo we couldn't hardly get past the many people who wanted to check out our dogs.

By Sunday there were even more people if that's even possible. Most of the people were walking with their own dogs and the Shilohs were exceptional in their good behavior. I was so proud of all of them!

Thanks to everyone who brought their dogs out to show them off and answer all the questions that people had. And for those of you who didn't make it, we missed you!

Congratulations to Mim Keo for winning the great big basket of toys and dog paraphernalia! And a great big thank you to those of you who donated so much money to help cover the costs of the booth. You guys really rock! That's what teamwork is all about and I'm so glad to be a part of this great group!

Now don't forget to come out to the clicker/handling training at Childhelp on May 6th. The kids can't wait to see the dogs again! And we'll also have our NCA show at Childhelp on June 24th so mark your calendars!


We are currently gathering our membership and planning for a specialty show in the coming months.
We are currently working on our membership application and forming our egroup. More updates coming soon.

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